An Interview with Artist Adam Hall

Posted by Robert Lange on

Adam Hall's show is fast approaching. Lets take a look at a recient interview with him from  Cat Green and Jordan Spilman:

We love Adam Hall’s atmosphere-rich paintings of endless oceans. Something about his work seems to be unstuck in any timeline, anything could cross the horizon from an oil tanker to the SS Terra Nova. His work is beautifully rendered without sacrificing any of its character.

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1) How do you motivate yourself?  

AH: So, I’ve been painting full time now, away from any sort of day job, for 3 years. Leaving behind those external pressures and demands that others had placed on me for so many years, made me realize it was going to be a challenge to now switch gears into a more entrepreneurial mind set.  Motivation is a key element.  I’m always searching for ways to Infuse my artistic path with a greater purpose.  Right now, the biggest motivating factor for me is my family.  Not only do I want this career in the arts to succeed so I can provide for them, but also so they can watch me pursue a dream. Hopefully, it will instill in them the importance of finding a path you love and sticking with it.

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2)  How do you structure your time?

AH: Structure and goal setting is vital for my studio practice.  Without it I find myself just filling my day with busy work that is in it’s own way a form of avoidance to what actually needs to be done. My days are spent like any other work day except I have to balance it with picking up kids from school etc.  Most days I’m in the studio working by 9am and get a good 7hours in.  I’m currently preparing for a solo show so I’m also back to painting alot of nights as well.

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3) What do you listen to when you work?

AH: Always start the day with some good some good high energy spotify playlists or whatever I in the mood for.  Once I’m dialed in and have a solid direction I’ll also enjoy listening to audible books or podcasts.

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4) Who are three artists that inspire you?

AH: My list of inspiring artists is getting pretty long, but most recently I’ve been looking over the work of artists Gerhard Richter / Bo Bartlett / Andrew Wyeth

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5) What’s the best piece(s) of advice you have been given?

AH: Wish I could remember all the advice I’ve ever been given. 

Few years back, a mentor of mine reminded me, in a profound way, of just how important finding inner peace and happiness is. That our mental/physical health is to be nurtured and when that falls into place everyone around us benefits.

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6) Describe an object or tool related to your work that you love.

AH: Recently, converted a big tool chest on wheels into my glass palette and brush/paint holder. Was a game changer.

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7) An anonymous patron has donated $100K for you to build your dream studio, what would it look like and where would it be?

AH: Hmm. Well for 100k I’d probably build a super modern barn themed studio here in Franklin TN on our own property. High vaulted ceilings of course with lots of tall windows. Would make a cool loft area inside for the kids and set it up so it could double as a guest suite.  Then I would stock it full of my favorite paints, brushes, and easels.

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